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Phase Three

A six vignette theatrical series depicting the life and times of André Cailloux in the days & nights leading up to Siege of Port Hudson.

Vignette Number 1 will be a one man show that takes us through Cailloux's life from formerly enslaved to a free man of color leading up to his decision to join the Civil War.

Vignette's 2-6 will portray the stories behind the events and decision to join on the Confederate side, the conversation with Butler that created the pivots to the Union side, the night before combat, the siege of Port Hudson, and the decision to let Cailloux and his men rot on the battlefield for 45 days.

This series is created to better inform the public about the historic significance and legacy of Cailloux. The vignette's will play in rep the week before and leading up to the formal American Civil War Reenactment of Cailloux's historic funeral procession.

Coming Soon!
Please check back.
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